Our Heartspun Homeschool

Our Heartspun Homeschool

Friday, May 16, 2014


My sweet baby boy is 7 months old now. I cannot believe he is getting so big so fast. He is wearing 12 months clothes already and is the size his brother was at 1 year old. He LOVES his owls in his bedroom and has to look at each and every one of them almost every time he is awake in his room. He sits up great and can get on all fours for a few seconds and really wants to crawl. He loves playing with his brother and sisters. We call Hallie his nanny because she is like his second mommy, if only she would change the poopy diapers!! He can pick up most things and of course they go straight to his mouth. He LOVES taking a bath and kicking in the water. His reflux is still very bad and he is on two medicines to help control it. He isn't really able to tolerate any solids yet, we are slowly trying new things but they always end up bothering him. He is going to see the allergist soon. His heart is still not doing well and we are looking at surgery around a year old unless it gets much worse or much better. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Here are his 6 month pictures that I am oh so late on posting!! Enjoy.

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