Our Heartspun Homeschool

Our Heartspun Homeschool

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 2012- 3 in 30

A fellow blogger does this great thing called 3 in 30...its a simple way of setting goals and not overwhelming yourself! Which I really do need cause just sitting here thinking of all the goals I would like to reach I have way more then 3!! So for the month of January I will have 3 goals, and once a week I will check in and let you know how they are going! 

 For the month of January, I will:

1) Only get on the computer after the kids are in bed. (this is a HUGE goal for me and I know its going to be ridiculously hard for me- the internet is a HUGE time/life waster and I am done with it!)

2) Play or read to my kids for 45 minutes a day outside of homeschool time. (another big one for me)

3) Workout for 1 hour -5 times a week.  (This one shouldn't be too hard, as I kind of already do this...but I want to keep on working on it- especially since my last "weigh-in" wasn't too good!)

So there you have it! These are my goals for the month of January- I will be back next weekend to let you know how my week has gone. Feel free to join me!

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