Our Heartspun Homeschool

Our Heartspun Homeschool

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Camping fun!

At the beginning of the summer we took a camping trip up to the mountains. We borrowed a friends pop of camper, and it was a lot of fun. We did learn however that if we were to purchase our own pop up camper we would need a bigger one!! The first night we were there it snowed!! It was nuts, but we were happy we were not in a tent! Other than that we all had a great time.

Trying not to burn themselves.

My babies and me.


Good morning girls.

Good morning boys.

Taking a break to say hi to baby brother.

Pitifulness. (not a word I know, but it was pitiful)

Hungry hiker.

Curious hiker.

Stylish hiker.



My loves.

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