Our Heartspun Homeschool

Our Heartspun Homeschool

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Play 2015

The big kids did a Christmas play at church this past weekend, it was called, "A fist full of Christmas". They attended lots of practices and everyone did a great job. Big brother was the Sheriff, Big Sister was Mrs. Everyman and Little Sister was Lucky Day. Our church did a Country Christmas event all weekend and the play was just one of the things to do. They also had a craft fair where folks sold the products they made themselves, Kids crafts, a hayride with Living Nativity(so cool, we even saw Mary and Joseph riding their donkey looking for an Inn) and my favorite part- the coffee truck!!! What a fun weekend we had getting to enjoy all the fun. Some of my pictures are blurry, sorry.

Middle of the action!

Enjoying the play!

Petting the animals that were at the Stable.

Doing some crafts.

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