Our Heartspun Homeschool

Our Heartspun Homeschool

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Basketball Season 2016

The big kids all had their first basketball game last Saturday. They all did great considering we took a year off and they had only had two practices. The girls are on the same team and enjoy having each other there for support. They happened to play a team that seems to be mostly 4th graders so they didn't fare too well, but they did a great job holding their own. Little sister is very focused when playing and moves fast and does a great job playing defense. Big sister doesn't have it come as naturally but I think she will warm up in the next couple weeks and figure it all out. Big brother is on a good team, not the team he was hoping for but still good. He made a few baskets during his game and played well. Since they are older, they are playing full court basketball so he is always very sweaty when he is finished playing. I missed his first game to take the girls to a birthday party, so I don't have as many pictures of him..just a few that a friend took. Enjoy!!
Doing some practicing before the game

Praying before they started the game.

The only non blurry picture of her, she moves around so fast when she is playing.

They had her guarding a 4th grader who was so much bigger than her, she did great though. He didn't score once while she was guarding him.


Sitting out by her daddy.

She had to guard the same boy.

She went back in for her sister because she fell and hurt her knees.

Back in after the half

She was able to take a few shots but never made it in, just needs more practice.

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