Our Heartspun Homeschool

Our Heartspun Homeschool

Friday, June 10, 2016

Walk for Life 2016

This year we went all in to raise money and support our local pregnancy center, The Life Network. In an earlier post I told you about our experience when I ran the 5K they have. We were able to raise $735 this year, which is amazing!! I'm so thankful for all of our friends and family who helped us out and who helped out all those mama's and their babies. We arrived last Saturday bright and early at 7:30am. And it's not easy getting a family of 6 out the door before 7am!! It was well worth the effort though; we had a blast. Not only did we get to run/walk for a great cause but we got to have fun and enjoy time with our friends. Enjoy all our pictures!!

This was at the end of the walk before we headed home.

Getting ready to run!

Face painting

They were happy with their choices.

His sisters helped him on all the inflatables.


He would have gone down a million times if we let him.

Jumping with their friends.

Waiting for the boys to finish their run.

Almost to the finish line.

They finished in just over 35 minutes.

The girls ready to do the kids run.

It was very short!

Our pastor praying right before the walk started.

We all ended up pretty spread out, but they had fun walking.

After the kids run.

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